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My Transition in 2020

Updated: Mar 7, 2021

Now, I don't want to get too emotional - but I was thinking about this last night too. I have achieved SO MUCH in 2020. And I know that most people will have hated 2020, but it was a year of growth and happiness for me. I have learnt so much about myself this year, especially what a bad-ass, confident, and beautiful person I am. So here's how my 2020 has turned out for me:

How I started the year:

I kicked off 2020 with an optimistic attitude, as you should.

I remember that one of my New Years resolutions would be to post on my instagram page once a week - and although that hasn't quite worked out... I achieved my main goal: which was to open up and allow myself to be more vulnerable.

In the opening post to 2020 I wrote:

"2020, I dedicate this year to all my garden tools 🤎

As you can probably tell, I’ve changed a bit. I’m not the person you probably remember from school or college. Most of you female dogs probably forgot about my existence for a while.

Well, I’m still here- and doing better than ever.

I have no plans of slowing down, and hopefully you’ll stick around to see all the other changes which will take place in my life."

Damn. Reading that back brings back so many memories.

First of all, I thought I was the funniest person when writing "garden tools" and "female dogs", which is just a little embarrassing now - but always much better than swearing kids!

Secondly, now that I am here and I have undergone all these changes I spoke about, I must admit that I am immensely proud of myself and the steps I have taken in pursuit of my own happiness.

I have to mention, the photo isn't my favourite, but I was living for it at the time.

What's happened in 2020:

A lot has happened in 2020 for me and my transition.

I will be pointing out some highlights for me this year, but if you'd like to read my whole transgender journey, go ahead and read 'My Transgender Transition Timeline - From Male to Female', which will take you from 2017 up until now (and yes, I will be updating that article from time to time to give you the inside scoop on everything going on with me, and my genitalia.

First doctor's appointment

One year ago on the day that I am writing this (13 December), I has my first doctor's appointment (which yes, technically was in 2019, not 2020 but let me live). I was extremely nervous, but excited more than anything. If you'd like to read about my experience with a gender specialist, read 'My Medical Transition'.

Coming out as transgender

On 20th February 2020, I posted a video entitled 'I am Transgender', and announced to the world - you guessed it - that I am transgender.

Once I came out, I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders - and I could finally be me.

Starting hormone replacement therapy

The beginning of my medical transition was the most exciting part of 2020. I started not long after I came out. Just 8 days later (on 28th February), I started hormone replacement therapy, one of the happiest days of my life.

I have been on HRT for over 9 months now, but I have written an article about '6 Month of Hormone Replacement Therapy' if you would like to check it out.


Another date I will never be able to forget is the 20th June 2020. The day we launched the website with 10 seblog articles, and 10 sebeauty articles. The support we received from you guys was amazing, and I still cannot thank you enough to this day.

The website has been up and running for 6 months now! Which is crazy as it seems like we are just getting started.

How we are ending 2020:

Now that it's the end of December, and the year is drawing to a close, it makes me emotional to think how much I have changed.

Change is nothing new to me, I have been changing and developing myself ever since I was very young. Knowing this, I am sure I will be exploring myself even more in 2021, and growing into the person I was meant to be.

The fact that so many of you guys have came along this journey with me makes me tear up. The support and love I receive on a daily basis is overwhelming, and I cannot wait to share what I have planned for 2021.

Now that the days are once again getting longer, there is a sense of optimism in the air for me.

It will be 1 year in February that I started my transition, even though it seems like yesterday.

I can now, well and truly say, that I love the person that I am becoming.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me, and stay tuned for so much more!

I love you <3


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